Christian Queinnec and David DeRoure. Sharing code through first-class environments. In Proceedings of ICFP'96 -- ACM SIGPLAN International Conference on Functional Programming, pages 251-261, Philadelphia (Pennsylvania, USA), May 1996.
Nowadays the Net is one of the most obvious driving forces. Yet, to consider it as one global store through which values and code may be shared is still immature. This paper suggests first-class environments as a means to achieve that goal in a multi-user Scheme framework. We propose two new special forms with a simple semantics. Our model allows precise control over environments (including extensible environments) and does not require (but does not prevent) reflective operations.
Christian Queinnec. Macroexpansion reflective tower. In Gregor Kiczales, editor, Proceedings of the Reflection'96 Conference, pages 93-104, San Francisco (California, USA), April 1996.
Macros are reflective tools that operate on the representation of programs. Though having been used, and still being useful, for more than thirty years, their semantics and pragmatics are still unclear. This paper proposes a new model to understand the macroexpansion process; this model is based on a reflective tower of macroexpansion engines.
Christian Queinnec. Bribes de DMeroon . In Christian Toinard, editor, Actes des journées de recherche sur la Mémoire Partagée Répartie -- MPR 96, pages 51-56, Bordeaux (France), May 1996.
Cet article est un survol fragmentaire de DMeroon , un projet inachevé de recherche visant à l'écriture d'une bibliothèque multilingue procurant un modèle de mémoire dynamique, distribuée et partagée. Rien n'est original dans cet article fors l'emploi du français. Son contenu provient de 17 et 18 amendé de réflexions décousues mais motivées par l'écriture des programmes composant cette bibliothèque.
Christian Queinnec. Lisp in Small Pieces. Cambridge University Press, 1996. Paperback reprint 2003. [Cover page]
Christian Queinnec and Pierre Weis. Programmation applicative, état des lieux et perspectives. Technique et science informatiques, 15(7):1009-1013, 1996.
Après avoir rappelé la lignée des langages de programmation applicative, nous décrivons les qualités qui font leur succès, en particulier dans l'enseignement. Nous brossons ensuite leurs perspectives d'avenir et donnons en annexe une liste des systèmes francophones disponibles.
C. Queinnec fecit (2012-02-19)