Luc Moreau and Christian Queinnec. Partial continuations as the difference of continuations, a duumvirate of control operators. In Manuel Hermenegildo and Jaan Penjam, editors, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 844, pages 182-197, Madrid (Spain), September 1994. International Workshop PLILP '94 - Programming Language: Implementation and Logic Programming, Springer-Verlag.
We propose to define a partial continuation as the difference of two continuations. We exhibit several places where design choices can be made and the influence they have on the extent during which partial continuations can be reified. In particular, we characterise a notion of extent underlying this model of partial continuation that we call weak prefixal extent. Then, the semantics of partial continuations is formalised in a context-rewriting system and in a cps translation, both proved to be equivalent. This notion of partial continuation is intuitive, it avoids the complexity of hierarchies of control operators and it is more expressive than others. We illustrate these qualities with some new realistic examples.
Pierre Cointe, Christian Queinnec, and Bernard Serpette, editors. Actes des JFLA 94 - Journées Francophones des Langages Applicatifs, Noirmoutier (France), February 1994.
Christian Queinnec. Les langages Lisp. InterÉditions, Paris (France), 1994. [Cover page]
Christian Queinnec. Sharing mutable objects and controlling groups of tasks in a concurrent and distributed language. In Takayasu Ito and Akinori Yonezawa, editors, Proceedings of the Workshop on Theory and Practice of Parallel Programming (TPPP'94), Lecture Notes in Computer Science 907, pages 70-93, Sendai (Japan), November 1994. Springer-Verlag.
This paper presents: an operational semantics, based on a functional framework, for a concurrent and distributed extension of the Scheme programming language, a coherency protocol taking care of shared mutable objects, a new coherency protocol to imperatively control hierarchical groups of cooperating tasks. These two protocols do not require broadcast, nor FIFO communications, nor a centralized machine; they allow to manage an unbound number of shared mutable values and groups of tasks. This paper also advocates for the use of a functional continuation-based presentation for these protocols.
Christian Queinnec. Locality, causality and continuations. In LFP '94 - ACM Symposium on Lisp and Functional Programming, pages 91-102, Orlando (Florida, USA), June 1994. ACM Press.
Concurrency and distribution are topics exacerbated by the omnipresence of Internet. Although many languages address these topics, few offer the real opportunity to control and coordinate widely spread dynamic computations. This paper presents such a language and its prominent features. Besides explaining the software architecture of the implementation (based on objects and generic functions), it also presents an original coherency protocol for shared mutable variables.
C. Queinnec fecit (2012-02-19)