Anne Brygoo, Titou Durand, Pascal Manoury, Christian Queinnec, and Michèle Soria. Experiment around a training engine. In IFIP WCC 2002 - World Computer Congress, Montréal (Canada), August 2002. IFIP.
We describe a teaching experiment where an introductory course to Computer Science is accompanied by a computerized training engine. This whole engine relies on the existence of an interpreter of the taught programming language that allows us to offer quizzes as well as exercises with some automatic marking facility. Students may then perform their homework with an immediate feedback without being connected to the Internet. However students' answers are eventually gathered in a central database where they may be analyzed thus providing the means for ``personal coaching''.
Anne Brygoo, Titou Durand, Pascal Manoury, Christian Queinnec, and Michèle Soria. Experiment around a training engine. Complete version of 25, October 2002.
Anne Brygoo, Titou Durand, Pascal Manoury, Christian Queinnec, and Michèle Soria. Un cédérom pour scheme -- chacun son entraineur, un entraineur pour tous. In TICE 2002 - Technologies de l'Information et de la Communication dans les Enseignements d'Ingénieurs et dans l'industrie, pages 223-231, Lyon (France), November 2002. Institut National des Sciences Appliquées de Lyon.
À la rentrée 2001, un enseignement semi-présentiel d'informatique en DEUG MIAS a été mis en place à l'université Pierre et Marie Curie (Paris 6). Le support principal de cet enseignement fut un cédérom permettant aux étudiants de s'entrainer chez eux par le biais d'auto-évaluations et d'exercices instantanément appréciés par le système hors connexion Internet. Cet article présente cette expérience et ses résultats.
Christian Queinnec and Emmanuel Chailloux.
Une expérience de notation en masse.
In TICE 2002 - Technologies de l'Information et de la
Communication dans les Enseignements d'Ingénieurs et dans l'industrie -
Conférences ateliers, pages 403-404, Lyon (France), November 2002. Institut
National des Sciences Appliquées de Lyon.
version complète disponible en
Une expérience d'examen d'informatique menée sur ordinateur et assortie d'une notation automatique (1800 copies environ) est décrite dans cet article. L'élaboration des sujets, le processus de notation et l'architecture logicielle de notation ainsi que les techniques d'affichage des notes et de consultation des copies corrigées sont tour à tour exposées et commentées.
Luc Moreau and Christian Queinnec. Distributed and multi-type resource management. In G. Czajkowski and J. Vitek, editors, ECOOP'02 Workshop on Resource Management for Safe Languages, volume LNCS, Málaga, Spain, June 2002. Springer-Verlag.
The authors have previously defined Quantum, a framework for managing resources, which can be used by both providers and consumers of resources to express and program resource-related operations. In this paper, we extend this framework to the distributed setting by introducing distribution-specific operations, and we generalise the framework to support multiple types of resources.
Christian Queinnec. A library for quizzes. In Olin Shivers, editor, Scheme 2002 -- Proceedings of the Third Workshop on Scheme and Functional Programming, volume Georgia Tech, Technical Report GIT-CC-02-48, pages 1-7, Pittsburgh (Pennsylvania, USA), October 2002.
Programming web dialogs is already known to be well served by continuations; this paper presents a continuation-based library for a particular class of web dialogs: quizzes for students. The library is made of objects representing the individual questions and of functional combinators hiding the imperative aspects of page shipping over HTTP and management of continuations. Mixing these three styles provide an elegant framework that fulfills our initial goal. The description of that library is hoped to be helpful for quizzes designers.
Christian Queinnec. Modules in scheme. In Olin Shivers, editor, Scheme 2002 -- Proceedings of the Third Workshop on Scheme and Functional Programming, volume Georgia Tech, Technical Report GIT-CC-02-48, pages 89-95, Pittsburgh (Pennsylvania, USA), October 2002. Invited talk at the Scheme workshop.
The benefits of modularization are well known. However, modules are not standard in Scheme. This paper accompanies an invited talk at the Scheme Workshop 2002 on the current state of modules for Scheme. Implementation is not addressed, only linguistic features are covered.
Christian Queinnec.
Site ouèbe de la licence d'informatique, 2002.
[See also]
Christian Queinnec.
Cédérom videoscm 2002 -- mias, 2002.
[See also]
C. Queinnec fecit (2012-02-19)